छात्रों के लिए हिंदी में विचार (Click to Tweet)
छात्र अवस्था एक ऐसी अवस्था होती है जिसमें बहुत अधिक मार्गदर्शण की आवश्यकता होती है क्योंकि अन्यथा छात्र जीवन में ग़लत रास्तों को चयन कर सकते है। इन हिंदी विचारों के माध्यम से हम छात्रों तक कुछ अच्छे और सकारात्मक विचार पहुँचाने का प्रयत्न कर रहे है। हम कई प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्तित्वों और नेताओं द्वारा कई उपयोगी और प्रेरक हिंदी विचार (उद्धरण) पा सकते हैं। छात्रों के लिए ये हिंदी विचार छात्रों के सामने एक बढ़िया विकल्प प्रदान करते हैं ताकि वे लघु हिंदी सुविचारों के माध्यम से जीवन के मूल्यवान सबक सीख सकें।;
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Hindi Thoughts for Students
Student life is one of the most important parts of one's life because this life makes the foundation for the remaining life. To lead a successful and happy life, it is very important to have the best foundation. Here is a collection of specially chosen Thoughts in Hindi for Students which can help students to become strong leaders in the future. We can find many useful and motivational Hindi Thoughts (Quotes) by many eminent personalities and leaders. These Hindi Thoughts for students provide a great option in front of students to learn valuable lessons of life through the short Hindi Suvichars. (Check Small Hindi Thoughts for School Assembly - Collection of small Hindi Thoughts specially chosen for School Assembly with Hindi and English.
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Hindi Thought for Students (Cuckoo speaks its language)

"कोयल अपनी भाषा बोलती है, इसलिए आज़ाद रहती हैं पर तोता दूसरे की भाषा बोलता है, इसलिए पिंजरे में जीवन भर गुलाम रहता है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation-
"Cuckoo speaks its language, therefore, it is free, but the parrot speaks the language of others, so lives in bondage in a cage for life."
Click Here to Read the Meaning of the Hindi Quote

"आप यह नहीं कह सकते कि आपके पास समय नहीं है क्योंकि आपकों भी दिन में उतना ही समय मिलता है, जितना समय महान एवं सफल लोगों को मिलता है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation-
"You can not say that you do not have time because you get the same amount of time in the day, as the great and successful people get it."
"You can not say that you do not have time because you get the same amount of time in the day, as the great and successful people get it."
Hindi Thought for Students (True People)

"सच्चे लोगों को कभी प्रशंसा की आवश्यकता नहीं होती और असली फूलों को कभी इत्र लगाने की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती है ।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation -
"True people do not ever need to be praised and real flowers do not ever need to apply perfume."
Click Here to read the meaning of Hindi Quote
"संयम और परिश्रम इंसान के दो सर्वोत्तम चिकित्सक है, परिश्रम से भूख बढ़ जाती है और संयम अतिभोग से रोकता है ।"
Hindi Thought English Translation-
"Patience and hard work are the biggest doctors because hard work increases appetite and patience stops us from overeating."Click Here to Read the Meaning of this Hindi Quote
Hindi Thought for Students (Mistakes are Part of Life)

"गलतियाँ जीवन का एक हिस्सा है पर इन्हें स्वीकार करने का साहस बहुत कम लोगों में होता है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation-
"Mistakes are part of life, but only a few people have the courage to admit them."
Click here to Read the Meaning of Hindi Quote
Hindi Thought for Students (Keep Doing the Good Work)
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Hindi Thought for Students अच्छा काम करते रहो |
"अच्छा काम करते रहो कोई सम्मान करे या न करे, सूर्योदय तब भी होता है जब करोड़ों लोग सोये होते है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation-
"Keep on doing the good work even if someone gives respect or not because the sun rises even if millions of people are still sleeping."
Click Here to read the meaning of the Hindi Quote
Click Here to read the meaning of the Hindi Quote
Hindi Thought for Students (We get Defeated)
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Hindi Thought for Students बाहर की चुनौतियों से नहीं |
"बाहर की चुनौतियों से नहीं हम अपनी अंदर की कमजोरियों से हारते हैं।" (Click to Tweet)
English Translation-
"We get defeated not because of outer challenges, but because of inner weaknesses."
Click Here to read the Meaning of this Hindi Quote
Click Here to read the Meaning of this Hindi Quote
Hindi Thought for Students (Darkness)
"अंधेरे से मत डरो, सितारे अंधेरे में ही चमकते है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation- "Don't fear the darkness, stars shine in the dark."
Click Here to read the meaning of the Hindi Quote
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Click to Buy this Motivational Hindi Thought A4 Poster (Rs 181 Free shipping)
Hindi Thought for Students (Meaning of Deep Talks)

"गहरी बातें समझने के लिए गहरा होना ज़रूरी है, गहरा वही हो सकता है जिसने गहरी चोटें खाई हो।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation-
"To understand the meanings of deep talks, a person needs to go deeper, and only a person can go deeper who got deeply hurt in life."
-------Motivational Hindi Thoughts----------
Hindi Thoughts for Students (Dreams)
"सपने वो नहीं होते जो आप सोने के बाद देखते हो, सपने वो होते हैं जो आपको सोने नहीं देते। - डॉ अब्दुल कलाम" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation- Dreams are not what we see in sleep, it is the thing which doesn't let you sleep. Dr. Abdul Kalam
Hindi Thought for Students (Good People)

Hindi Thought (Good people are always respected)
"मीठी ज़बान, अच्छी आदतें, अच्छा व्यवहार और अच्छे लोग हमेशा सम्मानित होते है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation-
"Sweet tongue, good habits, good behavior and good people are always respected."
Hindi Thought for Students (Extraordinary Things)

Hindi Thought by Sweet Marden (Why you consider yourself small)
"अपने आपको छोटा क्यों समझते हो ? आपका जन्म गौरवशाली कार्य करने के लिए हुआ है। स्वेट मार्डन" (Click to Tweet)
English Translation- "Why you consider yourself small? You have born to do extraordinary things. Swett Marden"
Hindi Thought for Students (Good Behaviour) -
"अच्छे व्यवहार का आर्थिक मूल्य भले ही ना हो, लेकिन अच्छा व्यवहार करोड़ो दिलों को खरीदने की ताकत रखता है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation-
"Good Behavior may not have any financial value, however, good behavior has the power to win millions of hearts."
----Hindi Thought on Success for Students----
Hindi Thought for Students (Strength)

Hindi Thought (When you ask for strength from God)
जब आप भगवान से शक्ति माँगते हैं, तो वह आपको कठिनाई में डाल देता है, ताकि आपकी हिम्मत बढ़े और आप शक्तिशाली बनें। (Click to Tweet)
English Translation-
When you ask for strength from God, he puts you in difficulty, so that your courage increases and you become powerful.
Hindi Thought for Students (Nature)

Hindi Thought (Your nature decides your future)
"आपका स्वभाव ही आपका भविष्य तय करता है।" (Click to Tweet)
English Translation-
"Your nature decides your future."
Hindi Thought for Students (Qualities)

Hindi Thought (Make use of your qualities)
"अपनी विशेषताओं का प्रयोग करो, जीवन के हर कदम में प्रगति का अनुभव होगा।" (Click to Tweet)
English Translation-
"Make use of your qualities, you will experience progress in every step of life."
Hindi Thought for Students (Test of Life)-

In life's test most of people fail/जिंदगी की परीक्षा में ज्यादातर लोग (Hindi Thought)
"जिंदगी की परीक्षा में ज्यादातर लोग इसलिए असफल हो जाते है क्योंकि वो दूसरों की नकल करते है पर वे यह नहीं समझते कि सभी के प्रश्न पत्र भिन्न है।" (Click to Tweet)
English Translation-
"गहरी बातें समझने के लिए गहरा होना ज़रूरी है, गहरा वही हो सकता है जिसने गहरी चोटें खाई हो।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation- "To understand the meanings of deep talks, a person needs to go deeper, and only a person can go deeper who got deeply hurt in life."
-------Motivational Hindi Thoughts----------
Hindi Thoughts for Students (Dreams)
"सपने वो नहीं होते जो आप सोने के बाद देखते हो, सपने वो होते हैं जो आपको सोने नहीं देते। - डॉ अब्दुल कलाम" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation- Dreams are not what we see in sleep, it is the thing which doesn't let you sleep. Dr. Abdul Kalam
Hindi Thought for Students (Good People)
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Hindi Thought (Good people are always respected) |
"मीठी ज़बान, अच्छी आदतें, अच्छा व्यवहार और अच्छे लोग हमेशा सम्मानित होते है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation- "Sweet tongue, good habits, good behavior and good people are always respected."
Hindi Thought for Students (Extraordinary Things)
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Hindi Thought by Sweet Marden (Why you consider yourself small) |
"अपने आपको छोटा क्यों समझते हो ? आपका जन्म गौरवशाली कार्य करने के लिए हुआ है। स्वेट मार्डन" (Click to Tweet)
English Translation- "Why you consider yourself small? You have born to do extraordinary things. Swett Marden"
Hindi Thought for Students (Good Behaviour) -
"अच्छे व्यवहार का आर्थिक मूल्य भले ही ना हो, लेकिन अच्छा व्यवहार करोड़ो दिलों को खरीदने की ताकत रखता है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English Translation-
"Good Behavior may not have any financial value, however, good behavior has the power to win millions of hearts."
----Hindi Thought on Success for Students----
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Hindi Thought (When you ask for strength from God) |
जब आप भगवान से शक्ति माँगते हैं, तो वह आपको कठिनाई में डाल देता है, ताकि आपकी हिम्मत बढ़े और आप शक्तिशाली बनें। (Click to Tweet)
English Translation-
When you ask for strength from God, he puts you in difficulty, so that your courage increases and you become powerful.
English Translation-
When you ask for strength from God, he puts you in difficulty, so that your courage increases and you become powerful.
Hindi Thought for Students (Nature)
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Hindi Thought (Your nature decides your future) |
"आपका स्वभाव ही आपका भविष्य तय करता है।" (Click to Tweet)
English Translation-
"Your nature decides your future."
Hindi Thought for Students (Qualities)
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"अपनी विशेषताओं का प्रयोग करो, जीवन के हर कदम में प्रगति का अनुभव होगा।" (Click to Tweet)
English Translation-
"Make use of your qualities, you will experience progress in every step of life."
Hindi Thought for Students (Test of Life)-
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In life's test most of people fail/जिंदगी की परीक्षा में ज्यादातर लोग (Hindi Thought) |
"जिंदगी की परीक्षा में ज्यादातर लोग इसलिए असफल हो जाते है क्योंकि वो दूसरों की नकल करते है पर वे यह नहीं समझते कि सभी के प्रश्न पत्र भिन्न है।" (Click to Tweet)
English Translation-
"In life's tests, most people fail because they copy others, but don't understand that everyone has a different question paper.
Hindi Thought for Students (A Wise Man)
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Hindi Thought (Real Wise Man is one who) |
English Translation
"A Wise Man is one who completes his work with full dedication. Napoleon Bonaparte"
Hindi Thought for Students (Matters)
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Hindi Thought (It matters less, what we do) |
"It matters less, what we do; but in what spirit we do it, it matters more."
Hindi Thought for Students (Behind the Back)
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Hindi Thought (If people talk about you behind the backs |
English Translation-
"If people talk about you behind the backs, then don't get upset because people only talk about those, who have something in them."
Inspirational Hindi Quote (Suvichar) Coffee Mug (White) for Students
Hindi Thought for Students (Deceive)
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Hindi Thought (Who wants to deceive others |
English Translation-Who wants to deceive others, actually betrays himself only."
------51 Hindi Thoughts for Students------
Hindi Thought for Students (Patience)
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Hindi Thought by Benjamin Franklin |
English Translation-
"He that can have patience can have what he will. Benjamin Franklin"
Hindi Thought for Students (Work)
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Hindi Thought by Confucious (Choose a Job/उस काम का चयन करें) |
English Translation
"Choose a job which you love, and you will never work for a day in your life. Confucious"
Hindi Thought for Students on Sipper Bottle
Click to Buy Hindi Thought Sipper Bottle
Hindi Thought for Students (Greatest Glory)
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Hindi Quote by Confucious (Our Greatest Glory/ महानता कभी ना गिरने) |
English Translation-
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising
---One Liner Hindi Thoughts for Students----
Hindi Thought for Students (Two Things)
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In this world, there are only two things to love |
Hindi Thought English Translation - In this world, there are only two things to love, first is grief and second is hard work. Without grief, our heart can never become clean and without hard work, no man can improve."
Web Story of Hindi Thoughts for Students-
Hindi Book Recommendations for Students
Below we are giving Hindi book recommendations for the students. Reading these books can be very useful for students and they can learn many useful things from these books. These points will help them throughout their life and they can emerge as strong and good human beings. Reading books is a good habit and we can learn many useful things from books.
1) Chanakya Niti (Hindi)
2) Lok Vyavhar (Hindi)
4) Mann Ke Chamatkar
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ReplyDeleteVery nice....more upload
ReplyDeletedefinitely, I will add more quotes.
DeleteReally Very Nice..........
ReplyDeleteVERY NICE
ReplyDeletemahan insan tbhi hota h jab wah sbhi ki paristhitiyo ko samjhe ,or use usi k anusar sahayta kre ...
ReplyDeleteawesome thought really helpful thanks to give us new path ...of life
ReplyDeleteVery nice
ReplyDelete"सपने वो नहीं होते जो आप सोने के बाद देखते हो, सपने वो होते हैं जो आपको सोने नहीं देते
ReplyDeleteVery nice photo
ReplyDeleteThese quotes r really awesome because all these thought have some amount of value in everybody's life
ReplyDeleteWonderful thoughts
ReplyDeleteVery nice
ReplyDeleteVery nice
ReplyDeleteWow nice thought
ReplyDeleteVery usefull thoughts .
Kya likhu apni maa k baare mei
ReplyDeleteUnhone mujhe khud likha hai
I love u maaa 🙏🙏
ReplyDeletes̸a̸v̸s̸t̸ s̸a̸r̸i̸r̸ m̸e̸ s̸a̸v̸s̸t̸
ReplyDeletem̸a̸n̸ n̸i̸v̸a̸s̸ k̸a̸r̸t̸a̸ h̸a̸,
a man is great by deeds, not by birth that,s very nice quotos
ReplyDeletethats very nice
ReplyDeleteVery nice thoughts
ReplyDeleteExcellent thoughts 😃😃😃
ReplyDeleteI like some thought very much but some are not better than that
Thanks really these are motivational thoughts
Beutifull thoughts i like it
ReplyDeleteGood thought
ReplyDeleteVery. Nice
ReplyDeleteGood thought 👍👍
ReplyDeleteVery nice 👌
ReplyDeleteNice line 👍 wonderful 👌
ReplyDelete"पेड़ की शाखा पर बैठा पंछी कभी भी डाल हिलने से नहीं घबराता क्योंकि पंछी डाली पर नही अपने पंखों पर भरोसा करता है।"
ReplyDeletenice thourts
ReplyDeleteWow so nice thought thanks for motivated us
ReplyDeleteVery very very very nice
ReplyDeleteVery nice
ReplyDeleteGood thinking
ReplyDeleteReally helpful thought in our life
ReplyDeleteaad many thought and this is nise thought
ReplyDeleteReally I sometimes learn it thought thanks for it
ReplyDeleteVery nice
ReplyDeleteThis thought are very usefull in our life because if we use thi way so we proud self
ReplyDeleteexcellent thoughts
ReplyDeleteअपनी जिंदगी में सफल और साथ में अच्छा इंसान बनने की कोशिश हमेशा करे
ReplyDeleteReally very healpful thought,Thanks.
ReplyDeleteVery nice thoughts
ReplyDeleteI like these thought they will make my day 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙂🙂🙂🙂😇😇😇😇!!?!!??!!! ;! ;;;;;;;!!!!!!