Small Hindi Thoughts for School Assembly
At Hindi Thoughts, we always try our best to provide the best Hindi Thoughts and Quotes to all age groups. One of the primary age groups of Hindi Thoughts readers is Students from the ages 12-17. They mainly need Hindi Thoughts and Suvichar for their School assembly or other school activities. These students mostly require small and effective Hindi Thoughts to present in school. If a Hindi Thought is good then it is liked by all the school's students. Below, School students can find the collection of short and small Hindi thoughts for the school assembly with their English Translations. You can also check our previous collection of Hindi Thoughts for Students which provides many valuable lessons to the students and helps them become good human beings in later life. These Hindi Thoughts may be small but they carry with them great and deep meanings which have the power to change the lives of students. These Hindi Quotes are very inspirational and have life-changing powers. Only students need to act on them and follow their advice to become good human beings.
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Collection of Hindi Thoughts for Students (School Assembly)
Hindi Thought - "विचारों का स्तर हमारे संग पर निर्भर करता है। हमारी संगति जितनी अच्छी होगी, हम उतने ही अच्छे विचारों के धनी होंगे।"
इंसान वही श्रेष्ट है जो बुरी स्थिति में फिसले नहीं एवं अच्छी स्थिति में उछले नहीं।
Hindi Thought English-
Man is the best who does not slip in bad conditions and does not jump in good conditions.
3) Small Hindi Thought for School Assembly (Relationship is Greater)-
"जीवन में हम कितने सही या कितने गलत है, ये सिर्फ परमात्मा या हमारी अंतरात्मा ही जानते है। "
Hindi Thought English Translation - How true or how wrong we are in life, only God or our conscience knows. (Check the meaning of this Hindi thought)
5) Small Hindi Thought for School Assembly (If there is a habit)-

जीवन हजारों छोटे-छोटे चमत्कारों की एक श्रृंखला है। उन्हें पहचानने की कोशिश करें। (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English - "Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles. Notice them." (Check Meaning of this Hindi Thought)
"लोग किस्मत को दोष देते हैं पर यह नहीं सोचते हैं कि बीज हमने ही बोया है।" (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English - "People blame luck but do not think that we have sown the seeds." (Click to read the meaning of this Hindi Thought)

अपने आप को इस तरह से बनाएं कि आप हमेशा समाधान का हिस्सा हों, समस्या का नहीं। (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English -
Make yourself in such a way that you are always part of the solution, not the problem. (Read Meaning of this Hindi thought)
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Small Hindi Thought for Studnets |
जीतने वाले कभी बहाने नहीं बनाते और बहाने बनाने वाले कभी जीतते नहीं। (Click to Tweet)
Hindi Thought English - "Those who win never make excuses and those who make excuses never win."
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Small Hindi Thought for Students |
"बिना शिक्षा के मनुष्य, बिना नींव के घर की तरह होता है।" (Click To Tweet)
Hindi Thought English - "A person without education is like a house without a foundation."
जीवन में अगर कोई सबसे सही रास्ता दिखाने वाला दोस्त है तो वो है अनुभव।
Hindi Thought English - If there is a friend to show you the right path in life, then that is experience. (Click to Read Hindi Thought Meaning)
12) Small Hindi Thought for School Assembly (Fearing the Change)-

"परिवर्तन से डरना और संघर्ष से कतराना, मनुष्य की सबसे बड़ी कायरता है।"
Hindi Thought English - "Fearing the change and running away from struggle is the biggest cowardliness of a man."

"किसी की निंदा करने से यह पता चलता है कि आपका चरित्र क्या है, ना कि उस व्यक्ति का।"
Hindi Thought English - "By condemning someone, it shows what your character is, not the other person."
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जो लोग खुद अपनी ग़लती (Small Hindi Thought) |
"जो लोग खुद अपनी ग़लती नहीं मानते, उनसे समय मनवा लेता है।"
Hindi Thought English - "Those who don't accept their mistakes, time makes them do so." (Check Hindi Thought Meaning)
"भूल होना "प्रकृत्ति" है, मान लेना "संस्कृति" है, और उसे सुधार लेना "प्रगति" है।"
Hindi Thought English - "It is natural to make mistakes, to accept it is a culture and to improve it is progress." (Check Meaning of Hindi Thought)