Hindi Thought by Chanakya (The intelligence which a repentant gain/पश्चाताप करते समय व्यक्ति)

repentant, wrong deed, life, Chanakya, Hindi Thought, intelligence,
Hindi Thought by Chanakya (The intelligence which a repentant gain)

"पश्चाताप करते समय व्यक्ति की जो बुद्धि होती है, वही बुद्धि गलत कार्य करने से पहले भी बनी रहे तो व्यक्ति को कभी भी जीवन में पश्चाताप न करना पड़े I  चाणक्य"

 "The intelligence which a repentant again if he has the same intelligence before doing a wrong deed, then he never needs to repent in life. Chanakya"

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